How do you replace your citizenship certificate (card)? The answer is to file a paper or online application with IRCC (follow this link).
If your citizenship certificate or citizenship card has been lost, stolen, or damaged, you will need to replace it. You will have to apply for a replacement certificate by submitting an application with the required documents – either on paper or (if you are eligible) online. Only certain situations allow you to apply online, but you can always apply on paper.
- Go here to our page on the main application package
- Go here to learn about urgent service
- Go here to learn how to contact the government.
I’ve lost my citizenship certificate/card. How do I replace it?
As mentioned above, you have to apply for a replacement certificate. Go to our page on lost, stolen, or damaged certificates to see how.
Need an easier way to get a replacement citizenship certificate?
Why not get some support?
1. We make sure everything is perfect! No returned applications.
2. We track and deal with the government for you. Try calling IRCC yourself. It’s a mess.
3. Need your document fast? Again, we can help.
How to update your application for a citizenship certificate
If you’ve already sent your application for a citizenship certificate there are a couple of ways to update the application, depending on how (paper or online) and where you applied from.
- Use this web form found here to update your application if:
- You applied online from within Canada or the US
- You applied on paper from within Canada or the US
Scroll down and click on the blue Tell us more button on the lower left-hand side of the page.
- Contact the embassy, consulate, or high commission you submitted your application to if:
- You applied online from outside of Canada and the US
- You applied on paper from outside Canada and the US
Completing the CIT 0001 Application Form
Do not complete any of the top section between “For official use only” and “Protected when completed.” The below list is numbered according to the section numbers on the form:
- Select which language you want any correspondence in
- In this section, you must explain what happened to your old citizenship card or certificate, if you lost or are replacing it. If you are amending, you must include the certificate or card with the application forms.
- In this section, you must enter your name exactly as it was written on your previous certificate. The rest of the section is only for people changing their name.
- Here you are requested to fill out your vital statistics – your Date of Birth, place of birth, and information about your appearance.
- Section 5 only applies to one very specific situation, certain “Lost Canadians.” There is a very good chance you do not need to fill it out so don’t fill it out.
- In this section, you need to list the other citizenships you have and how you acquired them. Usually, the answer will be “Birth” for most people. The other answer is normally “Naturalization.” The second part of this section is a question for “Lost Canadians” again and you likely don’t have to answer it.
- This section is for your contact information. It is absolutely essential that you complete this section accurately.
- This section is for “Lost Canadians,” however it is necessary for everyone to complete it. You cannot leave any part blank. If you don’t know something, write “Unknown” or the equivalent. The answer to “How did this parent obtain Canadian Citizenship” is going to be one of three things:
- Birth
- Naturalization
- Descent
Section 8B only applies to you if you say “Yes” to one of the first two questions. It is a section about citizenship by descent, so if you were Naturalized it does not apply to you.
- This section is about whether or not you lived in Canada. The question is, again, for “Lost Canadians,” but you have to answer it.
- This section is for only one specific group of “Lost Canadians” and you likely do not need to complete it.
- The same goes for section 11.
- If you are appointing a Representative, such as IMMIgroup, then you need to complete this section.
- This is the declaration where you certify that you are telling the truth and that you pledge to inform CIC if anything changes.
Acceptable Photo Identification to Replace Your Certificate
Once you have fully completed the application for your Canadian Citizenship Certificate, you need to provide supporting documentation:
- 2 pieces of Identification including:
- US or Canadian Driver’s License,
- Provincial Photo ID Card,
- Provincial Health Card,
- Passport,
- Canadian Notice of Assessment,
- University or College Photo ID Card.
(Please note that at least one of these IDs must have your picture. So if you submit your Notice of Assessment, the other ID must be a photo ID.)
- Citizenship Photos (see below)
- If you’ve changed your name and are amending your certificate, you will need to submit your name change or marriage certificate.
- If you are applying for urgent processing, you will have to submit proof.
Citizenship Certificate Photo Specifications
Here are the photo specifications from
Your face must be square to the camera with a neutral expression, neither frowning nor smiling, with the mouth closed.
If the photographs do not meet the specifications, you will have to provide new photographs before your application can be processed.
- Provide two (2) identical citizenship photographs.
Your photographs must comply with the specifications below. If the photographs do not meet the specifications, you will have to provide new photographs before your application can be processed.
Photographs must be printed on quality photographic paper.
Provide the name of the photographer or the studio, the studio address and the date the photos were taken on the back of the photos.
Print your name on the back of the photos.
Citizenship Certificate Photo Details:
- The photographs must be clear, well defined and taken against a plain white or light-coloured background.
If the photographs are digital, they must not be altered in any way.
Your face must be square to the camera with a neutral expression, neither frowning nor smiling, and with your mouth closed.
You may wear non-tinted prescription glasses as long as your eyes are clearly visible.
Make sure that the frame does not cover any part of your eyes. Sunglasses are not acceptable.
A hairpiece or other cosmetic accessory is acceptable if it does not disguise your normal appearance.
If you must wear a head covering for religious reasons, make sure your full facial features are not obscured. - The frame size must be at least 50 mm x 70 mm (1 3/8″ x 1 3/4″).
The photographs must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photograph, and include the top of the shoulders.
The size of the head, from chin to crown, must be between 31 mm (1 1/4″) and 36 mm (1 7/16″). (Crown means the top of the head or – if obscured by hair or a head covering – where the top of the head or skull would be if it could be seen.)
If the photographs do not meet the specifications, you will have to provide new photographs before your application can be processed.
Submitting Your Citizenship Certificate Application
Applications can not be submitted in person. All applications must currently be made on paper:
Submitting Your Citizenship Certificate Application Within Canada
If you are in Canada, you can either mail your application or courier it. If you decide to mail your application, make sure to send it by a method with which you receive a tracking number, to prevent it getting lost in the mail.
Citizenship Certificate Application Mailing Address

Tip: Click here for more information about address to government.
Citizenship Certificate Application Courier Address
You cannot submit your application by courier to the above mailing address as it will not be deliverable.
Case Processing Centre, Sydney
Proof of citizenship
49 Dorchester Street
Sydney, NS
B1P 5Z2
Submitting Your Citizenship Certificate from Outside of Canada
If you reside outside of Canada (or if you are applying for a child who resides outside of Canada) you must submit the application to the Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate responsible for your country of residence.
I just need a copy of my Citizenship Certificate. Can I get this?
You need to replace your citizenship certificate. Calling the government and asking will not work, this type of service does not exist.
I want to replace my citizenship certificate. Do I have to return my current certificate?
Yes. You can’t own more than 1 valid citizenship certificate.
What can be used as proof of Canadian citizenship?
The following documents can be used to prove your citizenship:
- Citizenship certificates – this includes older versions
- Citizenship cards – they are no longer being issued but they are still valid.
- Canadian birth certificates (unless your parents were foreign diplomats)
- Naturalization certificates – were issued prior to 1947
- Registration of Birth Abroad certificates – these were issued between 1947 and 1977
- Certificates of Retention of citizenship – were issued between 1947 and 1977
Note: A Canadian passport is not strictly considered proof of Canadian citizenship although to get one you have to be a citizen. What they are is official travel documents for Canadian citizens.
What happens if you lose your Canadian citizenship?
You lose all the rights you had as a citizen and if you want to regain your citizenship, in most cases you have to first apply for permanent resident status and then live for 5 years in Canada. Remember this depends on why you lost your Canadian citizenship. You may be banned from returning to Canada for a number of years if fraud or other criminality or security reasons were involved.
How long does it take to get a Canadian proof of citizenship?
Currently, the processing time is around 17 months to get citizenship certificate. Urgent processing can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Go here to our page on processing times for more information.
How do I apply urgently for a citizenship certificate/card?
Go here to our page on urgent processing for certificates.
Can I provide documents that aren’t in English or French?
Any document not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation in English or French with an affidavit by the translator stating it is an accurate and complete translation.
Citizenship Certificate Application
To replace your lost or stolen Canadian citizenship certificate or card, you need to submit:
- the CIT 0001 Application for a Citizenship Certificate for Adults and Minors (Proof of Citizenship) form, plus
- your current citizenship certificate (if you are updating/changing it only)
- two photo IDs, one of which must bear a photo of you (such as a Driver’s License)
- two citizenship photos
- proof of urgency (if applicable).
Need an easier way to get a replacement citizenship certificate?
Why not get some support?
1. We make sure everything is perfect! No returned applications.
2. We track and deal with the government for you. Try calling IRCC yourself. It’s a mess.
3. Need your document fast? Again, we can help.
Riley Haas has been a leading expert since 2011 on immigration matters, with hundreds of publications online. Published author of three books about political philosophy, the Beatles and the Toronto Maple Leafs, respectively. BA from Bishop’s University, MA from McMaster University. You follow Riley on Substack